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The Remy Kennel Club, “The place where one person can make a difference, one person at a time."
The Remy Kennel Club is dedicated to upholding the integrity, respect, and support for one another, as well as the promotion of functional dogs. The RKC places emphasis not solely on a dog’s appearance, rather on dog’s that are the “Pinnacle of their Pedigrees™”. Dogs that look and perform equally, the embodiment of our Functional Dog Philosophy™.
The Remy Kennel Club has always promoted the “Functional Dog”, “Home of the Functional American Bully.” A friend shared a quote with me the other day, “Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be and Performance indicates what the animal actually is.” A simple sentiment with profound meaning.
The RKC has now elaborated on our functional dog and adopted a complete “Functional Dog Philosophy™” through expanded events and programs. As a departure from other registries that place emphasis solely on a dog’s appearance, RKC will place emphasis on dog’s that are the “Pinnacle of their Pedigrees™”. Dogs that look and perform equally, the embodiment of our Functional Dog Philosophy™.
As an international registry we expanded to offer programs encouraging responsible dog ownership, and positive canine bond building. Performance based sports, nurture instinct and heritage while commemorating the virtue of our pedigrees. Working with a dog not only cements the timeless proverb, that our canine companions are “man’s best friend”, but also benefits a dog’s mental attitude as well as physical well-being.
We are proud to announce our new Bully Breed Ambassador™ (BBA & BBA-A) title based programs. The BBA title certifies that dogs have the training and behaviors needed to be reliable, well-behaved members of their families, communities and combat the bullying of our beloved bully breeds.
A 10-part exam highlighting basic manners and obedience, dogs test with their handlers to earn first their Bully Breed Ambassador and then the Bully Breed Ambassador Advance titles.
Additional programs added to celebrate our “Functional Dog Philosophy ™” beyond our new Bully Breed Ambassador™” (BBA & BBA-A) include Weight-Pull, Vertical Wall, Slat Mill Racing, Drag Racing, Tug-of-War, Hang-time, Obedience trials, Lure Coursing and Dock Diving with plans for future expansion.
With an integral part of our mission being to promote responsible dog ownership and positive canine bond building within our community, we are happy to offer our performance program to all dogs! In addition to purebred dogs registered with the Remy Kennel Club, we are granting Limited Registration, or Performance Passports ™ to breeds the RKC does not register, mix bred dogs, dogs of unknown pedigree, purebred dogs with disqualifying faults and spayed or neutered dogs. Dogs with Performance Passports™ may compete in all RKC Performance Events and Junior Showmanship.
The Remy Kennel Club’s Conformation Events where pedigree meets performance rounds out the Functional Dog Philosophy™. At RKC dog shows, the emphasis is on the DOG, not the SHOW. The environment is family friendly, open, fun, educational and competitive, while maintaining a degree of difficulty to preserve the integrity of the sport.
RKC events and titles are attainable accomplishments for every owner while still respected by the veteran sportsman. RKC encourages camaraderie, mentorship and open communication to aid in the bond between owners and their dogs, as well as the community. This is proven by our success and growth across the country and is palpable at all of our events.
Participants find the environment to a great degree, devoid of the pressure and disappointment experienced in similar events provided by other organizations. Competitors are supportive of one another, working together as whole with one unanimous and collective goal, the betterment of the breed.
The Remy Kennel Club is dedicated to upholding the integrity, respect, and support for one another, as well as the promotion of functional dogs. The RKC places emphasis not solely on a dog’s appearance, rather on dog’s that are the “Pinnacle of their Pedigrees™”. Dogs that look and perform equally, the embodiment of our Functional Dog Philosophy™.
RKC Functional
The RKC has now elaborated on our functional dog and adopted a complete “Functional Dog Philosophy™” through expanded events and programs. As a departure from other registries that place emphasis solely on a dog’s appearance, RKC will place emphasis on dog’s that are the “Pinnacle of their Pedigrees™”. Dogs that look and perform equally, the embodiment of our Functional Dog Philosophy™.
As an international registry we expanded to offer programs encouraging responsible dog ownership, and positive canine bond building. Performance based sports, nurture instinct and heritage while commemorating the virtue of our pedigrees. Working with a dog not only cements the timeless proverb, that our canine companions are “man’s best friend”, but also benefits a dog’s mental attitude as well as physical well-being.
RKC Breed Standard
We are proud to announce our new Bully Breed Ambassador™ (BBA & BBA-A) title based programs. The BBA title certifies that dogs have the training and behaviors needed to be reliable, well-behaved members of their families, communities and combat the bullying of our beloved bully breeds.
A 10-part exam highlighting basic manners and obedience, dogs test with their handlers to earn first their Bully Breed Ambassador and then the Bully Breed Ambassador Advance titles.
Additional programs added to celebrate our “Functional Dog Philosophy ™” beyond our new Bully Breed Ambassador™” (BBA & BBA-A) include Weight-Pull, Vertical Wall, Slat Mill Racing, Drag Racing, Tug-of-War, Hang-time, Obedience trials, Lure Coursing and Dock Diving with plans for future expansion.
The Remy Kennel Club’s Conformation Events where pedigree meets performance rounds out the Functional Dog Philosophy™. At RKC dog shows, the emphasis is on the DOG, not the SHOW. The environment is family friendly, open, fun, educational and competitive, while maintaining a degree of difficulty to preserve the integrity of the sport.
RKC events and titles are attainable accomplishments for every owner while still respected by the veteran sportsman. RKC encourages camaraderie, mentorship and open communication to aid in the bond between owners and their dogs, as well as the community. This is proven by our success and growth across the country and is palpable at all of our events.
Participants find the environment to a great degree, devoid of the pressure and disappointment experienced in similar events provided by other organizations. Competitors are supportive of one another, working together as whole with one unanimous and collective goal, the betterment of the breed.
Downloadable Forms
Online Registration
2. Fill out our online form below and mail in a COPY of the FRONT and INSIDE pages of your pedigree (3 generations+) and mail it to the address above along with a check or you can submit payment via paypal.
Thank you for Choosing the RKC! When you register your dogs with us, you're not just a number.. you're part of the family.
Welcome to the Remy Kennel Club!
Fabian Chichester
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