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Bully Breed Ambassador brochure 06_05_2016
RKC Bully Breed Ambassador BBA Scoring Guide 06_05_2016
General Information About the Bully Breed Ambassador Program
Welcome to the Remy Kennel Club Bully Breed Ambassador (BBA) program. The BBA Program is a two part program that is designed to 1) teach responsible dog ownership to owners and 2) certify dogs that have the training and behaviors needed to be reliable, well-behaved members of their families, communities and combat the bullying of our beloved bully breeds! An RKC approved evaluator, before deciding that a dog has passed the Bully Breed Ambassador Test, you should consider if the dog is under good control and appears safe around people and other dogs.
The purpose of the BBA Program is to ensure that our favorite companion, the dog, can be a respected member of the community because it has been trained to be well-behaved in the home, in public places, and in the presence of other dogs. The BBA Program welcomes dogs with both full and limited registration rights and privileges. The BBA Test is noncompetitive and dogs are not required to perform with the same precision required in formal obedience.
Dogs that pass all 10 items of the BBA test, are listed in the BBA records at the Remy Kennel Club. Owners of dogs that pass all 10 items of the BBA test will receive an official Bully Breed Ambassador Title Certificate from the Remy Kennel Club. The Title will also be reflected on your dog’s pedigree within the registry for dogs with full registration rights and privileges.
A Bully Breed Ambassador Evaluator, must assume responsibility for conducting the test according to the RKC protocol. Evaluators should ensure that each participant has an experience that is positive, educational, and fun. Handlers may talk to their dogs throughout the test and the atmosphere should be relaxed. Praise should be given to dogs throughout the test, and you may need to remind handlers who are nervous to reassure their dogs with praise, smiles, hugs and pats. The BBA Evaluator is an RKC Representative, it’s important to note the way a BBA test is conducted, and the interaction with participants, may determine if a dog owner will become involved in dog training and activities in the future.
Thank you very much for helping us assure that Remy Kennel Club dogs will always be welcome and respected members of our communities.
- Fabian Chichester
Passing your Bully Breed Ambassador Exam and Earning your BBA Title
Scoring Specific Test Items General instructions:
The test protocol as set forth in this Evaluator Guide should be followed. Handlers may talk to their dogs throughout the test. Evaluators should encourage the test to be fun and, if necessary, handlers should be reminded to praise their dogs. Evaluators can remind handlers to communicate with their dogs (“Tell him what you want him to do”) during the test. Evaluators should not make the test easier by eliminating test items, nor should they require the participant to perform at a higher level than the test requires in order to pass. For example, an evaluator should not, in the name of “having high standards” require during testing that the dogs complete the exercise off-lead in order to pass the BBA test. However, instructors may choose to give the test at any point and may require that students have a higher level of training before the test is given.
The BBA TEST consists of 10 skills needed by all well-mannered dogs.
All of the exercises are done on a leash. For more details and expanded descriptions of the exercises above, and how the BBA Test is administered, see the following section below.
Equipment- You’ll need to bring your dog’s brush or comb to the CGC test. In the BBA test, dogs must wear a buckle collar or no slip collar.
Test 1: Accepting a friendly stranger
This test demonstrates a dog will allow a friendly stranger to approach it and allow the friendly stranger to engage in conversation with the handler in a very casual everyday encounter.
Test 2: Sit Well Mannered for petting
This test item demonstrates that the dog will allow a friendly stranger to touch it while it is out with its handler.
Test 3: Appearance and Grooming
This test item demonstrates a dog will welcome being groomed & examined such as a veterinarian, groomer, or friend of the owner. This test also demonstrates the owner’s care, concern and sense of responsibility.
Test 4: Walking on a Loose Lead
This test item demonstrates the control a handler has over a dog while walking on a leash.
Test 5: Walking Through a Crowd
This test item demonstrates that the dog’s ability to move through a crowd as you would find on any pedestrian sidewalk or event, comfortably and politely under complete control.
Test 6: Sit, Down and Stay on Command
This test item demonstrates a dog basic obedience skills. The dog should demonstrate that when the handlers instructs him/her to sit and down, & demonstrate a stay position, until released. The dog needs to show a complete understanding of: Sit, Down & Stay (in either a sit or a down position)
Test 7: Recall on Command
The dog will come when called by the handler. The handler will walk 20 feet from the dog, turn to face the dog, & call the dog.
Test 8: Reaction to Another Dog
This test item shows that a dog can behave politely around other dogs (this behavior is especially important in dog show settings). This test calls for two handlers & their dogs, the handlers are to walk up to each other from a distance of approx15 feet. The handlers are to then stop, shake hands and exchange greetings and then continue walking
Test 9: Reaction to Distractions
This test demonstrates a dog’s confidence when faced with common distracting situations.
Test 10: Supervised Separation
This test demonstrates that a dog can be left in the presence of a trusted person and will maintain its training and good manners while the owner goes out of sight for 3 minutes
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